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Habits that destroy your mind When it comes to our health, we don’t always think about caring for our brains the way we take care of our bodies, we tend to focus on other parts of the body and overlook the brain responsible for all bodily functions.

Take a look at some of these daily habits that seriously damage brain


It includes damage brain to the things we already associate with eating high amounts of sugar such as tooth cavities and obesity from type 2 diabetes, so you might ask how eating too many sweets affects your brain when consuming sugar in large amounts for an extended period of time.

The body’s ability to absorb proteins and nutrients, and this may subsequently lead to malnutrition that hinders the growth of the brain, this happens because the body lacks adequate nutrients in the bloodstream, and therefore it is unable to deliver adequate nutrients to the brain, which hinders its growth and development after eating a lot.

Dessert can wreak havoc on your memory and ability to think, so sticking to alternatives like antioxidant-rich desserts like dark chocolate and raspberries would be a much better choice for both your mind and your waist


Insufficient sleep is a big problem for many busy professionals who sleep deprived themselves and can lead to several problems such as extreme daytime sleepiness, depression and poor memory, recent studies have revealed that not getting enough sleep can actually reduce the size of your brain.

A brain that suffers when you don’t get enough sleep even one night of insufficient sleep can interfere with the brain’s ability to remember new information, and a number of studies have shown that the brain cleans itself of toxins.

During only the sleep cycle, lack of sleep can also cause of damage brain cell death, slowing your thinking, impairing your memory’s focus on judgment and decision-making, and impeding learning.


People naturally tend to turn up the volume, which makes the music sound more enjoyable and immersive.

If you are constantly listening to music at a very high volume using earphones or headphones, you should stop doing this because it can damage your hearing but it is not just your ears that are affected.

Hearing loss in the elderly is linked to brain problems such as loss and damage brain tissue and Alzheimer’s disease when your brain has to go the extra mile to understand what someone is saying it cannot store what you heard in memory.

Protect your hearing by adjusting the volume of your headphones because it is a great way to preserve your hearing and allow your mind to function better.

 Digital Headphones Magazine recommends that you take it off Their headphones keep At your preferred volume and then place them in front of you at arm’s length if you can hear the music clearly, you should try to turn it.

Owners and repeat the process also said that you should aim to take regular breaks throughout the day to give your ears enough time to relax.


Many people choose to skip breakfast perhaps because they follow a diet or to save time. Many people do not know that not eating breakfast may damage brain, and the body needs adequate nutrients after a good night’s sleep, so skipping breakfast deprives the brain of that.

Essential Nutrients – A Japanese study of more than 80,000 people over a 15-year period revealed that participants who frequently skipped breakfast increased the chances of having a stroke and high blood pressure, and another study showed that children who ate breakfast regularly performed significantly better.

At school, those who do not skip breakfast lower blood glucose levels, which negatively affect the functioning of the brain, so before leaving your home in the morning remember to eat.


Overeating makes us feel bloated in weight and increases the chances of developing life-threatening diseases, but one fact that you may not be aware of is that it can also seriously damage brain and lead to hardening of the arteries of the brain and thus damage to the mind.

Capacity studies have shown that a high-calorie diet for long periods can actually increase a person’s risk of developing memory loss or mild cognitive impairment later in life, and a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience in 2012 examined 6,000 people who were just as old.

On average, 50 years, the same participants were screened a decade later and overweight people had a 22 percent higher decline in their cognitive function compared to their thinner counterparts.


Oxygen is very necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, the less air you breathe, the weaker your brain functions, the state in which you breathe in less than 20.95 oxygen is when you sleep with a blanket or a quilt over your head.

Is everything warm and comfortable when you are buried Sure, being under the covers helps reduce the annoying effects of lighter sounds, first thing in the morning of course it does, but it will increase your carbon dioxide intake which means you increase the risk of damage brain cells.


You might have heard that multitasking has a negative effect on your productivity, as it turns out that doing so also clutter your mind and makes you less effective a neurologist at MIT and one of the world’s experts when it comes to attention division, Earl Miller said that brains aren’t wired to multi-task.

Well when people think they are multitasking, they are actually switching from one activity to another at real speed and every time they do there is a cognitive cost, the habit of multitasking also increases the stress hormone cortisol as well as the adrenaline hormone that can overstimulate.

your brain and it can Cause mental fog or disruptive thinking Stanford University researchers have discovered that people who are bombarded with multiple streams of digital information regularly face more distinct problems remembering information and paying attention when compared to people who complete one activity at a time.


The body is made up of about seventy percent water, so it is essential for every bodily function including brain function when your brain is working on a full reserve of water, and you will be able to think faster, be more focused, and experience more clarity and creativity.

Necessary for the delivery of nutrients to the brain and for the elimination of toxins when the brain is completely hydrated, the exchange of nutrients and toxins will be more efficient thus ensuring better focus and mental alertness The effect of dehydration on the brain is almost immediate as researchers say that even two hours of intense exercise without water can cause Cognitive decline, studies also show that dehydration has had the most impact on functions such as coordinating complex problem-solving and attention.

The brain needs enough water to think faster and focus better, so it’s very important to stay hydrated.

The time to drink water benefits both your body and mind, allowing them to enjoy better ction.


 It is likely that this is the most habit damage brain, of indulging in smoking your brain that not only causes lung disease or even heart disease but also has a lot of negative effects on your brain.

Smoking harms cell membranes and the ability to survive neurons in certain areas of the brain that manage to coordinate balance.

Not only that, but also fine and gross motor skills softens the cortex where processes such as language memory and perception occur.

It leads to problems like dementia, Alzheimer’s and possibly death. Smoking excessively indirectly causes neuritis which can cause an autoimmune disorder known as multiple sclerosis or MS.


Alcohol begins to affect a person’s brain the moment it enters the bloodstream of a healthy person, the liver filters the alcohol quickly, which helps the body to get rid of it, but when a person drinks excessively, the liver cannot filter the alcohol quickly enough and this leads to immediate changes in the brain.

It is often known as drinking drunk alcohol causes chemical imbalances when consumed for longer periods of time in larger amounts.

 The volume of the brain also decreases due to chronic alcohol intake.

 There are some slight differences in how damage brain occurs in men and women, but regardless of gender loss it increases with Older age and the amount of alcohol consumed more than two units per day for men and one unit per day for women is considered alcohol excess.
